Crossbow Land & Cattle offers shares of American Wagyu beef to individuals and families just like you right here in Jacksonville Florida, your source for local beef from a real farm and ranch. All the beef in the share is packaged indivually in mostly 2# packages for easy meal preparation. Roasts will be between 3# and 4# per roast depending on the cut. We answer many questions in the Beef FAQ page. If you don’t have a chest freezer, you can buy a small one for very inexpensive (just google 3.5cu ft chestfreezer – size and cost might surprise you!)
Call 904-351-8118 now to come pick up your share or post a deposit!

20lb Share of Beef includes only Groundbeef that comes in 2# bricks. We might exchange one brick for beef sausage if available. Beef sausage has the potential to kick your breakfast into high gear!
20lb Share of Beef includes assortment of groundbeef (50%), steaks and roasts (50%)
The groundbeef portion might include some or all of the following based on availability, all of which are alternate ways for ground beef: stew meat, beef sausage, cube steak

80lb share of beef
Cuts of Beef to be expected in an 80lb share:
- T-bone (or NY Strip and Filet)
- Ribeye
- Sirloin
- Brisket
- Short Ribs (or Flanken Ribs)
- Assorted Roasts
- Ground Beef (2lb bricks generally 50% of total weight) The groundbeef portion might include some or all of the following based on availability: stew meat, beef sausage, cube steak.
Other Specialty cuts our customers love!
$8 p/lb – 2# package. We can add these on to any share you buy.
- Oxtail
- Soupbone
- Liver
- Leaf Fat

- NO mRNA Vaccines ever!
- No Hormones Ever! All Natural, Antibiotic Free
- Local Beef farm in Duval County Jacksonville, Florida
- Pasture Raised and Grassfed
- Grain Finished. Grain offered average of last 90 days while grass and hay continue to be available
- Requests for No-Grain accepted with purhcase of the whole steer. Call to request.
- From birth to harvest, From our pasture to your plate
- Dry-Aged for average of 2 weeks
- 1 inch thickness on steaks
- Professionally packaged in individual mealsize packages for 2 to 4lbs in USDA facilities
- Pickup at the ranch by appointment only. Bring some boxes and a big towel to cover, or coolers.

Images and weights displayed on this page and any other pages on this website are approximate. All cuts, quantities and weights vary from animal to animal and from package to package. Crossbow Cattle, Inc local beef farm in Jacksonville Florida reserves the right to adjust pricing without notice based on market conditions.