Crossbow runs a small herd of Katahdin Sheep. This breed is a hair sheep, bred for its meat. Contact us if you are interested in lamb (meat) or rams for your flock.
What are hair sheep?
Generally speaking, hair sheep are sheep that have coats that contain a mixture of hair and wool fibers that is naturally shed, therefore they do not require shearing. As you can see in the picture the the right, the white sheep is in the process of shedding a coat. This breed is used for meat production and not necessarily for wool. However, one can pull of quite a bit of wool if you ever wanted to utilize it for something, especially if you have a larger flock.
Rambo the Ram
FEEDBACK: Crossbow sold 3 rams to a nearby farm in 2019 and this is what they had to say: “The three boys settled in right away. They’re nice rams. You’ve done a good job handling them. It’s so nice to not have crazy acting animals when all you’re trying to do is bring them in just to eat. I’d buy your lambs anytime. Thanks again!”