Texas Heeler Puppies – sold
All pups have arrived at their forever home! Check back again soon for upcoming Texas Heeler litters. Other Litter available here. Also scroll down to see what this litter’s adults looks like now!
Texas Heeler Puppies are here. Whelping Date: February 23, 2017
Sire “Sparky” is a Registered Purebred Australian Shepherd (Blue Mearle) Blue eyed pups are likely but not a guarantee.
Dam “Ausie” is a Registered Purebred Australian Cow Dog (Blue Heeler)
Dam and Sire are working cattle dogs on an operational cattle ranch in Northwest Jacksonville and both comes from working lines. Registered with Continental. Sparky is from HANGING TREE BLACK BEAR lines. Puppies are registerable.
Whelping Date: February 23, 2017 and pups will be ready to go to their new homes around Mothers Day 2017 (fully updated on vaccines and deworming etc)
- My white spots had a white undercoat so I didn’t change much
- I pretty much stayed the same
- I was born all white, now I”m grey aka blue mearle.
- My white spots had a grey undercoat so I changed colors at about 3 weeks old.
- SOLD! SA1 – Male
- SOLD! Blyton’s 5th – Male
- SOLD! Blue Spark – Female
- SOLD! Blue Oz – Female
- SOLD! SA 2 – Male
- SOLD! Snowblu – Female
- Dam Ausie
- Bred
- Sire Sparky
- Aussie Ready to Go!
- Sire Sparky
- We like this stance!
- Aussie Working
- Sparky!
- Sparky
- Aussie
- Sparky
- Combing the woods for cows! among the winter forages growing
- Out of breath!
- Oh, just some more cows to work
- Yes Sir(e)!
The Damns Progress: Aussie Whelping 6 healthy puppies February 23, 2017
February 3-9 Week 7. 3rd Trimester; Now its evident and full blown, as in the whole 9 yards, big belly, developing teats, sleeps constantly and really looking uncomfortable when she sleeps too. She’s definitely not eating as much food in one helping. That’s cause there aint much space in there so I’ve been feeding high quality high protein food at different intervals during the day, supplementing with some of my homemade cottage cheese from raw milk for calcium and eggs from my chicken flock. She’s always been an “egg sucking dog” you know, stealing eggs from nests around the farm I don’t know about, but this time around she’s allowed some eggs for extra vitamins and minerals. Average temperature remains around 100.3 with one reading dropping slightly lower at 99.9, which was a bit worrysome, but it was really cold outside and maybe the reading wasn’t a good reading, as everything else remains normal. Average weight has now increased to 43lbs.
Sire Sparky had to start stepping up on his chores this week too. Ausie is going out of commission now and I’m not letting her do hardly any work other than some walks to keep her fit enough for the upcoming marathon. But that is really hard for her. How do you ask a working cow dog not to work? So, all she is allowed to do is sit and watch the open gate so the cows don’t walk out while we’re going in and out feeding hay. I’ve finally tired Sparky out good cause he won’t even herd my chicken flock around which is his focal point when there’s no work to be done. A working dog can’t sit and do nothing! He needs a job at all times. He has so much energy under normal circumstances, I just can never tire him out. He herds my flocks around the farm just like a herding dog is bred to do. I don’t mind him doing what he is bred to do but sometimes his wild instincts come up and he tries to corner a chicken getting them all stressed out, but they can fly and he can’t. And then off course when theres food involved. that’s when there’s real trouble. I don’t blame him much then cause if there’s any food left over from the night before, you can’t keep a chicken away from it. No dog wants his food eaten by anything else! You See, I have to feed the dogs after dark cause otherwise its a chicken/dog fiasco. LOL! Today I decided that the area where we broadcasted leftover ryegrass seed late last fall has finally grown tall enough for the cows to graze. So, Sparky and I took a quadrunner trip all along the fenceline to make sure there’s no trees or limbs that have fallen over the fence causing a fencebreak. Off course I always keep a lookout for coyote tracks or evidence of a possible area that the coyotes frequents, but I haven’t spotted anything yet. Now is also the time for the turkeys to begin nesting and wanting to film a turkey nest. My eyes are searching! Then, Sparky and I led the cows into the new area. Happy to have something new and exciting on the menu. The new calves has never seen this area before either so they were staying all huddled up to momma! We had to go through the whole process again today and move the cows out of this area as part of our rotational grazing. I was very proud of old Spark Boy! He did fantastic and obeyed most the commands I’ve taught him. He is only about 1 year and 4 month old, you know.
Jan 27-Feb 2 Week 6: Really started showing sign of pregnancy. The last week or so she’s really grown a belly, are noticeably tired and slowed down on her food in take. I made her a nice whelping box with a soft dog pillow in it. She loved it at first sight and its place right outside my window. She knows where I sleep at night and that’s normally her spot anyways. She already spent several days sleeping in it,with sparky sleeping right next to, as if he knows. But do them boys ever really know? Average temperature around 100.3. Average weight 40lbs
Week 4-6: 2nd Trimester. Ausie remains a working cow dog, but I’ve been giving her some extra liberties to help her rest inbetween jobs, paying very close attention to any possible changes in behavior. This dog is a fighter and a go-getter, just part of her genes. I’ve also been taking her with me into the office just so I can monitor her.
Week 1 -3: 1st Trimester. Ausie remains a working cow dog. I mean you just can’t undo what she is built to do, puppies or not. Her normal weight has always been around 37lbs