About Us
Crossbow Land & Cattle is a cow/calf operation in NW Jacksonville, Florida. We run a traditional Angus Crossbred herd with the next harvest to be sired by a Wagyu Akaushi bull. This offering is what is referred to as an F1 cross Wagyu calf for exceptional steak cuts grading above prime with its high marbling. This is a 50% Wagyu and 50% Angus X.

Mickey and Cavelle is husband and wife team with a cattle and sheep ranching operation in Jacksonville, Florida. As is the case with family ranches, both of us run the ranch. On any given day you’ll find us out on the range, come winter cold or summer heat. From beekeeping to steering calves and wethering lambs, cowboys can do it all. Living on the ranch enables us to take the best care of our livestock, check on fences and water sources daily, and make sure that no cows or ewes are having trouble calving or lambing, along with all the other little nuances that comes with the territory.
- Sparky
Crossbow Cattle exclusively provides farm tours for existing and current guests of Crosslake RV. You can find more information about Crosslake RV at CrossLakeRV.com