Crossbow Dams and Sires
Our Sire: Spark
(What is a Sire? The father of the puppies or the whelps. A breeding male dog)
- Sparky!
- Yes Sir(e)!
- Sire Sparky
- Combing the woods for cows! among the winter forages growing
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Blood Line: Hanging Tree
Coloring: Blue Merle
Studd Service Available: YES with restrictions
Coat: Long hair that maintains itself. When a pup has white in it, the undercoat will also be white which means all white will stay white. The blue heeler has a different experience. See below.
CKC Registered: Yes
Sparky, is a working livestock dog as well as our main Sire. Here on the cattle ranch, we have more than just cows. It is sheep, chickens, cats, birds that eat our planted seed including the geese are just a few things we know about that Sparky loves to herd around the farm. We know he hears and sees a lot more than what we are aware of. Coyotes that run at night would be a good example of that. Off course he won’t wait for me to train up his sons, he’ll take off with one of them and go show them how to work cows the real cattle dog way! Then how can I scold him for not waiting for my commands? Other than that, when he sees me put my boots on, he runs to go wait at the quadrunner, ready to do whatever it is to go do, work, herd. I could make him stay put and he’ll dissapointedly stay behind till I call him on him. This is an Australian Shepherd for you. And fast as lightning he is. He can also track, if I know something aint right, he’ll lead me straight to where an animal might be that needs help. Boy, what a good dog!
Our Dams: Aussie
(What is a Dam? The mother of the puppies or the whelps. A breeding female dog)
- Out of breath!
- We like this stance!
- Aussie Ready to Go!
- Aussie Working
Breed: Australian Cattle Dog (AKA Blue Heeler or Queensland Heeler)
Coloring: Blue Merle
Coat: Short hair with a heavy undercoat. Does well in cold weather. Pups are born white but has a dark undercoat. The white turns grey or dark about 4-6 weeks after birth.
CKC Registered: Yes
Aussie, just like her best friend Sparky, is a working livestock dog. She is a very good mother and really takes care of her pups in more ways than you’d think. She always has more than enough milk to feed. Her largest litter is 8 pups and always had enough milk for them. She’ll feed them now and go work a cow or a sheep next and then come back and take of care of them. Aussie, bonded to me from the get go, heels to my left, as trained, whether on the quadrunner or walking down the cowpath. Ausie is well socialized and loves any human. She is also the Alpha dog in the pack, other than me, and will let any and all other dogs know full well who is boss! But that only happens when she don’t have a litter of pups to focus on which means every now and then the others in the pack gets a chance to be or try to be boss!
Our Dams: Evie
- Evie, Sit! Good girl. Stay!
- Evie learning to circle cows
- Don’t we love the water !!!
- Evie, Down! Good girl. Stay!
Breed: Australian Shepherd
Blood Line: Hanging Tree
Coloring: Blue Merle with white
Coat: Long hair that maintains itself. When a pup has white in it, the undercoat will also be white which means all white will stay white.
CKC Registration #AU-05159691
Official Name: “Evie Shepherd My Flock Hofslahv”
Evie, is Crossbow’s newest breeding female and has successfully whelped her first litter Feb 2019 and has thereby become part of the breeding pack. Up until now she has been in training for basic commands, structure and the way we do things around the Ranch. She has shown great interest in livestock, especially the sheep, and been exposed to working both cattle and sheep. And has learned to leave all the chicken and poultry be. She has also proven to be an exceptional tracking dog, hunting down game on multiple occasions. Super smart and alert and has bonded good with humans and other dogs in the pack.